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Market Forecast

For the week ending February 08, 2025

Valentine's Day Items

ORDER BY February 07, 2025

Driscoll’s Long-Stemmed Strawberries: 4/1lb. Item#18853

Petite Sorrel Meadow Mix: A colorful blend of maroon, orange, gold & green. Meadow sorrel mix has a tart & juicy flavor, and the leaves are perfect complement to fish, salads, and even citrus flavored cocktails. 8oz.Item  #02348 

Micro Begonia Hearts Mix: Mix of heart shaped pink & red begonias that pack a tart & juicy punch. Excellent stand out choice for texture, flavor & appearance. 100ct. Item #02294 

Edible Cosmos: Lovely large pink, rose, maroon & white colored flowers with a mild carrot flavor can add a pop of color to salads, dress up desserts & main entrees. 50 ct. Item #01863 

Basil Blossoms: Sprigs of dark purple amazingly aromatic blossoms flowers have strong flavors of mint and basil will enhance any Valentines dish or cocktail. 50 ct. Item #02349

Petite Mustard Red Frill: Nothing adds a splash of vibrant color and a little spicy kick like mustard-the lacey texture of this petite frill brings will add a touch of romance to any dish. 4oz. Item #17066

Micro Amaranth: Delicate and mild in flavor, Micro Amaranth Red offers a restrained taste of beets and toasted nuts, complemented by its vibrant pink color. 3oz. Item #14101 

Micro Bulls Blood: Deep purplish and red leaves bring a bright color to the plate as well as a nutty, earthy, and beet-like flavor. 4oz. Item #10916 

Micro Sorrel Red Vein: Studded with deep red veins and stems, Micro Red Veined Sorrel’s flavor is similar to mild lettuce and crisp apple-like. 4oz. Item #14223  

Herb Mint Chocolate Tops: Featuring dark, rich green leaves with purple stems and intense chocolate and mint flavors that are long-lasting. 50ct. Item #19287 

Micro Celebration MixMicro Celebration Mix is a premier blend of our favorite Microgreens and Edible Flowers. Created with chefs in mind, this mix has it all! A stunning array of vibrantly colored Microgreens including cool, light & rich, dark greens, ignited with warm shades of red and an extra spark of color from our blossoms. 3oz. Item #17657

Micro Rainbow Mix: Vibrantly colored Microgreens including cool, light & rich, dark greens, ignited with warm, bright shades of red 4oz. Item #15081-LOCAL-Blue Mitten Farm-MI

Order by february 10, 2025 at 11 p.m.

Chocolate Covered Cherries (per pound): Item #02220 

Chocolate Covered Espresso Beans (per pound): Item #17991 

Milk Chocolate Covered Peanuts (per pound): Item #02218 

Milk Chocolate Covered Pretzels (per pound): Item #02217 

Chocolate Bittersweet Block: 11lbs. Item #00889 

Chocolate Dark Block: 11lbs. Item #00890 

Chocolate Dark Disc: 1lb. Item #16735 

Chocolate Semi Sweet Chip: 1lb. Item #17891 

Chocolate Semi Sweet Chip: 10lbs. Item #14687 

Chocolate Semi Sweet Chunk: 1lb. Item #17531 

Chocolate White Block: 11lbs. Item #00891 

Chocolate White Chip: 1lb. Item #16724 

Chocolate White Disc: 1lb. Item #16734 

Contact your DelBene Sales Representative today for more information. 


The good news is that the majority of the growing regions that many of our suppliers are harvesting from this time of year (CA, AZ, Fl, MX) all see a warmup in the forecast. Until the warmer weather arrives overnight, and morning lows are having some negative effects on the size and quality of some lettuce and cut greens.

Our basil supplier in Hawaii is dealing with wet harvesting conditions due to storms that might have an impact on basil supply next week. We are working closely with them to ensure basil supply and quality for our customers. Tarragon & Thyme continue to have supply issues. 


There are no big changes in the current supply of standard and large. Jumbo sizes remain limited due to cooler temps in the past couple of weeks. We are expecting a slight improvement in Jumbo size once production ramps up in Caborca. 

Bell Peppers

Supplies are abundant on both coasts, and combined with moderate demand, prices remain low. Overall quality is strong. Warmer temperatures this weekend are expected to boost production in Florida and Sinaloa, with red bell pepper volumes on the rise.



Cold weather has slowed production across all growing regions, keeping markets elevated and firm. California and Baja will experience cooler than-normal temperatures through next week, while warming trends in Central Mexico and Florida should help boost supply by the end of the week. Production is expected to remain steady as we approach the St. Valentine’s Day pull period. 


Blueberry harvests continue in Central Mexico and Baja, while Peru’s season has ended, with only limited late-season fruit remaining. Markets are beginning to firm up slightly.


Recent seasonal plant trimmings, combined with cold weather, have kept production low. This shortage is expected to continue through the next week, but warmer temperatures projected for mid-February should help boost yields.


Supplies are noticeably lighter this week due to cold weather and seasonal bush trimmings impacting yields. However, warmer temperatures later in the week should help boost production in Central Mexico.

Broccoli, Cauliflower & BRUSSEL SPROUTS


Broccoli supplies remain somewhat limited due to cold weather in Yuma, but slower demand has kept markets stable. Expect conditions to hold steady heading into the weekend.


Cauliflower supplies remain tight as cold weather continues to slow growth. Expect the market to gradually rise as we head into the weekend.


Northern California production wraps up this week, transitioning smoothly to Oxnard with no expected supply or quality disruptions. In Northern Mexico, operations remain steady despite recent cold weather, which has slightly slowed growth and caused occasional purple discoloration and some elongated cores.



No big changes in supply or quality. Markets remain steady overall. District 3 (CA Desert/AZ) is performing well and will continue through February. 


Weather continues to impact supply, quality & price to the point limes are back on the alert list. Prices are slightly higher compared to last week, and market activity is expected to remain strong through February. The upcoming harvest will produce smaller limes, with a significant decrease in larger-sized limes.


Market remains about the same with peak volumes in 56ct and smaller sizes, supplies are still shipping from Riverside and the San Joaquin Valley.


Peak sizes remain at 138ct/113ct, with the market slightly up but still strong for these sizes. As the season progresses, we anticipate peak sizing will shift to 113ct/88ct. Brix levels remain above average in the 13 range.


Production out of Mexico is moderate this week, with eggplant supplies tight in the eastern regions due to weather conditions. However, warmer temperatures are expected to improve production moving forward.  



Production for this commodity is expected to be lighter due to cooler temperatures in the Yuma region. Reports of misshapen heads, blistering, peeling, and pink discoloration have surfaced. Moderate production is anticipated this week, with warmer temperatures expected in the Yuma region next week. 


This week, the availability of romaine, green, and red leaf has started out lighter than usual. Cool nighttime temperatures have led to reports of blistering and peeling upon arrival. Romaine heart production is also experiencing reduced availability.

Tender Leaf

Yields are lower this week due to yellowing leaves and mildew caused by the colder temperatures. Supplies are expected to remain tight as we move into next week.


Kale supplies are expected to remain abundant this week, despite the cold morning temperatures. The market is projected to stay steady as we move into next week.


Cooler weather continues to tighten up squash supplies on the East coast. Yellow squash is particularly tighter than zucchini. Next week’s forecast shows a warmup that will help with a rebound in supply and quality.


Markets remain stable with a strong overall supply and promotable volumes available. Quality is good, with tomatoes shipping from Nogales, McAllen, and Florida. 

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