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Market Forecast

For the week ending January 18, 2025


Overall industry supply has declined due to limited harvest and packing from the last two weeks. Mexico has resumed normal harvesting, but it will take about a week for the supply pipeline to stabilize. Demand is very high, resulting in increased prices for all sizes. The size curve continues to be heavy on small sizes with less availability on large sizes. The industry expects demand to remain high through early February. 


Mexican asparagus volumes remain low due to cold temperatures, though warmer conditions are expected by the end of this week. Production in Caborca is anticipated to improve in the week of January 27th. Meanwhile, Peruvian volumes continue to decline, driven by quality concerns linked to warmer temperatures.



Even with demand rising and challenges with weather in Florida market is steady.


Peruvian volume is declining, while Chilean fruit is just beginning to arrive at the ports, helping to fill the gap. Central Mexican production is steady to light. Availability is expected to remain consistent throughout Jan.


Supplies from Central Mexico and Baja continue to cross into the U.S. at moderate to steady levels.


Blackberries remain in good supply from Central Mexico and Baja, though some transfer delays to the West Coast have been reported. Shippers are expecting a spike in production through the end of January.

Broccoli, Cauliflower & BRUSSEL SPROUTS


Supplies remain strong this week, with crews managing occasional slight variations in green shading and minimal mechanical damage. Good supplies are expected to continue through next week as well.


Supplies are strong from Santa Maria, Mexico, and Yuma, with the market expected to remain steady into next week. Suppliers are seeing consistent sizing and color, with excellent overall quality.


Demand remains strong, supported by good supplies. Quality is expected to stay consistent and remain high heading into the weekend. Did you know DelBene offers halved brussel sprouts? Let us take some work off your plate! Ask your sales representative today!



Markets are steady with good quality coming from District 3 (CA Desert/AZ).


Although quality is good, supplies are beginning to tighten, and price is rising. Fruit is currently peaking in 110/150 count sizes.


Star Rubies are available, primarily peaking on 56ct and smaller sizes, and are being shipped from Riverside and the San Joaquin Valley. Quality is good.


Navels are in good supply with excellent quality and brix levels in the 12-13 range. Peak sizes in the 138ct, 113ct, and 88ct ranges. Domestic mandarins have also started.


There is a good supply coming from both Florida and Nogales, with quality remaining strong. Expect steady markets over the next few weeks, with steady volume available.


Quality and availability remain strong in all lettuce categories (iceberg/romaine/green & red leaf, and tender leaf varieties). The one expectation is Butter varieties remain in limited supply. Production from Mexico and CA are expected to continue favorably into next week keeping price steady.


Both cantaloupe and honeydew remain in short supply due to lower yields in Guatemala, port delays, and Tropical Storm Sara. Quality may be impacted by longer transit times. Higher pricing is expected until the beginning of Feb.

Seedless watermelons from Classic Fruit are being recommended as a replacement, as quality and flavor favorable to replace the current cantaloupe and honeydew shortage.


The availability of green bell peppers has improved, with prices decreasing on both coasts. However, rain in Sinaloa this week and cold weather in Florida may slow production. Red bell peppers from Mexico remain limited, with good quality overall, though some greening may be present.


Production is increasing on both coasts as Sinaloa ramps up and Florida begins its post-hurricane crop harvest. However, rain in Mexico and cold weather in Florida may slow production. Overall quality remains good, with availability in Nogales, McAllen, and Florida

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